United Label often gets a lot of questions about bar codes, and it’s understandable — they can be confusing. In this FAQ, we’re going to try to clear up some common problems. UPC Codes, also known as bar codes or UPC barcodes, are on everything we buy. They are a way to code everything and identify it with the store and find product information and pricing. Without these codes, purchasing items in a store would become very difficult.
- What are UPC barcodes?
Universal Product Codes are 12 or 14-digit number codes where each vertical bar represents a number. These numbers are then put into the computer and correspond with the item you wish to purchase. Therefore, each barcode is unique for every product and represented by scannable bars.
- How to UPC barcodes work?
The bars in each code represent a number and can be scanned. Once scanned, the 12 or 14-digit code is found in the stores online inventory and information on this item appears. For example, what the item is, what it does, how much it costs, etc. As a result, workers are easily able to see how much the item costs and ring you up with your purchase very quickly.
- What dimensions should my UPC barcodes be?
Typical UPC code dimensions are 1.469″ wide x 1.02″ high. Minimum size is 80% of the recommended size and maximum size is 200% of the recommended size. The width identifies the distance between each of the bars, which is essential in making each barcode unique from one another.
- What is the difference between a 1D and 2D barcode?
A 1D barcode has the typical straight lines which create a code for the product. These UPC codes are the ones we see most typically in stores and have only vertical lines. 2D barcodes organize their information horizontally and vertically, therefore holding more information than 1D codes. Additionally, they require an image scanner to read them and get the information in the code.
- Can I print my own UPC barcode?
Yes! Once you have your unique product number, our company can create a barcode that represents these number onto a label for your product.
- Can barcodes be printed in color?
Yes! Acceptable colors for the vertical bar are black or blue and for the spaces in between the bars, white, yellow, or red can be used. - Where to I get a UPC code.
UPC numbers are assigned by GS1 – the Global Standards Organization (was the Uniform Code Council). See https://www.gs1us.org/upcs-barcodes-prefixes/barcoding-basics for more information.
United Label Corp Can Help!
We have the capabilities to print UPC barcodes onto our labels, whether in color or black and white. This allows your label to be used to sell either in your business or others. We have had great success with printing these barcodes on our labels, which only help consumers buy products. Contact us and we will design labels for your company to buy or print.
Have a question about this process? Call us today for a free estimate at (973) 589-6500.