Have you held a new $20 bill up to the light? Yes, you’re seeing a watermark, and a very fine one at that! Many of the pieces of paper that pass through your hands every day contain watermarks. You won’t find them in computer printer paper or fax machine paper, but personal and corporate letterheads […]
How Product Packaging Can Build Brand Identity
Here at United Label, we take a holistic approach to packaging, because we know that more goes into the final product than just printing. Your brand identity is how you want to present your product to the world. It should be an extension of who you are and what you value and contains all of […]
Design Inspiration: Creativity in Beer Labels
In this post, the digital label printing experts at United Label are going to find creative inspiration by taking a look at creativity in beer labels–where a ton of great work is being done these days. When we decide to try a new beer, our first impression often comes from the label. There are more […]
5 of the Best Logos In The World
Logos are an important part of any company. They are the first thing that customers see, and they need to be visually appealing and memorable. Here are some of the best logos in the world. A good logo can help a business stand out from the competition, and it can make customers more likely to […]
Why Custom Packaging Can Benefit Your Business
If you are reading this blog and considering using custom labels, then you’re not like most people: you actually put a lot of thought into the packaging you use when you sell something. But many people simply wrap their item in bubble wrap to keep it safe, maybe add some newspaper for additional safekeeping, tape […]