United Label – New Jersey’s Labeling Solution

Five Myths About Marketing

You’ve probably encountered some of these marketing myths, and you may have been told they’re “conventional wisdom” or just something that “everyone knows.” Don’t fall for it! Instead of listening to conventional wisdom that may not be so wise, do your own research and trust professionals who have real expertise, such as the marketers here at United Label in New Jersey. Here are just a few of the most common marketing myths:

  1. Some businesses don’t need a marketing plan.” – This myth comes in a lot of flavors, from “A business this small can’t afford marketing” to “You don’t need to spend time marketing a high-quality product like this.” Whether you’re discouraged from pursuing marketing due to size, budget, product or service specifications, or any other factor, you should be aware that a detailed marketing plan will benefit businesses of every size. In fact, a clear understanding of your marketing needs is especially important for small and specialized businesses, which have the most to gain from greater exposure, clearer communication, and more targeted advertising.
  2. Marketing is the same thing as advertising”– Speaking of advertising, one of the most widely held popular misunderstandings about marketing is that it is the same as advertising. It’s understandable for the general public to think this, but anyone considering marketing or advertising should be aware of the distinction. Advertising is an important part of marketing, but only a part. You can think of the ad as a hook that catches the customer’s attention; it’s a great start, but you still have to land that fish. Marketing includes individual ads, ad campaigns, long-term goals, brand identity, packaging, labeling, websites and apps, and all of the complex decisions that go into deciding what your customer sees.
  3. Traditional marketing isn’t necessary because everything’s online now!” – You may have heard this one from people who are enthusiastic about online opportunities or from people frustrated with our increasingly digital world. It’s true that more work of all kinds is being done remotely, and that the recent pandemic has accelerated trends in online commerce. However, there’s still an awful lot going on in the real world, and most of us still live there – at least part time! Networking events and conferences are essential for many businesses, giving them opportunities to cultivate personal relationships in a way that just isn’t possible online. Well-targeted direct mail campaigns can still be very effective, and “transit media” is increasingly favored by companies who appreciate the lengthy exposure time and ability to target audiences. 
  4. The only marketing you need is social media.” – Don’t you like hearing advice that tells you that you don’t need to spend any money? Unfortunately, that free social media is not a replacement for a real marketing plan. It’s not even a replacement for your advertising. Although having at least some social media presence is a good idea, many products and services don’t really benefit from un-targeted social media exposure. Gaming the algorithms for increased exposure is harder than it once was, as social media companies have grown more sophisticated at predicting this behavior. Frankly, it’s never been harder to succeed through social media alone because there have never been so many other companies, brands, and individuals competing for attention.
  5. Anyone can do their own marketing with a little hard work!” – It is definitely possible for businesses to undertake their own marketing in-house, but it’s not as easy as we might wish. At a minimum you will need specialized expertise in packaging, labeling, and logo design as well as competence in building your webpage, generating content, and using SEO (search engine optimization) to promote your site. Moving beyond the basics, a serious marketing plan will also consider your needs with regards to traditional and digital advertising, brand identity, promotions, market research, focus groups, and long-term goals. You may be able to handle all that by reaching out to competent experts in those areas and developing professional relationships, but this will cost time as well as money. Remember that if you’re spending too much of either, specialists in marketing exist to manage these problems for you.

Unfortunately, there are many more marketing myths out there! You owe it to yourself, your business, and your brand to stay informed and always work with experts and companies you trust.

We hope this advice is helpful to you as you build your business, and when you are ready to print labels for your product and brand, reach out to the design experts at United Label at (973) 589-6500 or contact us directly here.

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